Rabu, 30 Disember 2009

Bye Bye 2009!

Start from tomorrow, a new chapter will begin.
Am i ready to face what will happen in year 2010?
Can i survive?
I'm not sure la...!
But i think i'll survive succesfully..
Yeah..! Think positive no matter what will going to happen!

Its a very tough year (every year is a tough yera actually)..
New subject, new teacher, new classmate, new friends..
Everything is new for me..
Even myself were new (not all la)..
Most of my bestfriends move to boarding school..
miss them..
A year full of laugh, headache, tension, confused, exciting, puppy love (N & A, hehe....), upset, disappointed, adventure, famous, sweet 16, ..
Macam-Macam ada!

Oh Bulan..

Walaupun saiz bulan kecil tapi dia mampu menerangi satu planet ni,

Walaupun awan tebal datang menutupinya, namun cahayanya masih dapat kita lihat walaupun kadang kala ia semakin suram,

Walaupun permukaannya tidak seindah cahayanya, ia mampu membuatkan orang tersenyum tatkala melihatnya,

Walaupun dia menerima cahaya daripada Sang Matahari, namun melihatnya tidak sesilau cahaya Sang Matahari,


Jojo mesti pelik kan? pahal la minah ni jadi puitis sgt?
haha..sebenarnya semalam aku pergi makan dinner kt luar,
pergi makan kat Chpo n Steak, Kg. baru, untuk celebrate nyah..
so, on the way nak gi sana, tgh mengelamun,(cehh..) nmpk la bulan tengah mengambang..
it is so beautiful..
bila fikir2 kan balik, situasi bulan ni macam ada kena mengena dengan kehidupan seharian kita..
So, renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!

Selasa, 29 Disember 2009

Sekejap je..

MOSHI-MOSHI,jojo..(Wah, speaking korea u..hahah)

u must be wondering, pe benda yg "sekejap je" ni kan?
Haha, sebenarnya aku "falling in love" sekejap je la...
Sebab selama ni aku asyik terbayang-bayangkan hero dia...wahhhh...
But the truth is, i'm just a HUGE fan of the character..and the actorS...

Kat post aku yg sebelum ni, org yg aku maksudkan ialah pelakon2 drama Korea, "Boys Over Flower" la.
Disebabkan oleh drama tu sangat2 menepati citarsa aku yg sgt suka kan drama romantic-comedy, tu yg jadi biol sekejap
Lagipun, actor2 dia tersangat la handsome lagi cute dan sweet (based on my eyes, kalau korg tak rasa camtu, diam2 sudah)..
Justeru, drama ni dah buatkan aku terangau-sengau sejak tiga menjak ni...
Tapikan, bila dah tgk lama2 (i mean the drama), muka dorg BIASA2 je..
Hahaha..tapi DORG semua tetap di hati...!

aahhhhhh........I'M FLYING WITHOUT WINGS...
korang tgk je la rupa dorg (n again, if any one of u know them, diam2 sudah, ok!)

The hero n the heroin..Jan Di / Jun Pyo

The boys..(their group name is F4)

Diorang2 nilah yg buatkan semangat aku berkobar-kobar setiap hari pukul 8.30-9.30.
aku akan melongo kt dpn tv tanpa bergerak-gerak..
mak aku pun dah join the club!
dia lagi teruk, siap nangis lagi bila ada scene sedih..wahahahah...
aku sebak je...

As u know, for this moment, this drama is the best thing ever!
drama ni akan abis lagi 2 minggu..so lagi 2 minggu i'll be back to normal..

p/s; asal gambar tu kecik r? nmpk sgt aku ni buta IT..

Sabtu, 26 Disember 2009


Oh,jojo.....aku rasa aku dah falling in love dekat dia.....!
muka dia, rambut dia, senyum dia....wah wah wah....!!
handsome ye la hai!
first time tgk dia takde la suka sgt sbb dia tersangat la berlagak..

tapi bila da lama@, he is very pathetic guy n i feels sorry to him..
kau nak tau tak sape?
Tak payah la tau....
lenkali la aku bagitau,ek...!

lupa pulak, aku bukan suka sorang je tapi 4 orang!!
wahh....banyak tu....!
Yg pasti, setiap hari isnin sampai jumaat aku boleh tengok dia....
waktu malam lagi...
tapikan, dia duduk jauh sgt la.....

SiAPA EK??!!
jeng jeng jeng...!!!

stupid maxis!!

hai,jojo...its me.
Sebelum aku citer benda yg seronok, baik aku citer yg buat aku angin semlm..
kau tahu tak, 2 hari sebelum ni, aku masuk topup rm10, adala msg2 skit ngn abey..
Then u know what?! bila aku check balik baki kredit tinggal 20 son je....

berapi ye .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to be back!

Khamis, 29 Oktober 2009


Assalamualaikum,JOJO...! dah lama kawe tak masuk entry baru kan... FYI, aku tengah bergelut dan bertempur dengan "PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN 2009 TINGKATAN 4"...
dashyat tuh....kalau tak ada 'creative thinking' yang tinggi untuk fikirkan jawapan disaat kita menemui jalan kegelapan (dlm erti kata lain,BLURR) n ketajaman akal yang kena ingat berpoloh-poloh jenis formula/ayat/and all the science things(bio,chem,phy)..hurm,mampuih mu,TAU!

hari ni hari jumaat..so otak aku dah diberi 'emergency leave' disebabkan input yang melebihi berat yang dibenarkan...Alhamdullillah,2 subjek sudah selamat.. DUA,baru! Wahahah.....sedih ye....JOJO, tolong doakan aku diberikan kesihatan yang baik untuk menepuh 'peperangan' ni,daya ingatan yang sangat baik sebab memory box aku dan nak expired, so sebelum dia expired, kena tukar yang baru la,weh!

Persediaan untuk berperang;
  • pencil box
  • buku nota chemistry, physics, biology
  • nota MALEK
  • step add. math
  • buku poem and sedara mara die....
  • kelakatu @ kalkulator
  • EST
  • pj ngan sivik pun nak jugak?! penyibok...!
  • kekuatan emosi dan rohani
  • kemahiran meng'hentam' jawapan..yeah..i like it!
Sekian sahaja tip-tip untuk hari ini..sekarang sudah tiba masanye untuk otak aku melelapkan dirinya (yg membawa maksud 'AKU') n selama 2 MINGGU aku pergi bertempur,jojo, jgn rindu aku taw! bye....
wahahahahhahahaahahah.....sadis,sadis........................!!!!!(tekanan perasaan yg perlu dipulihkan dlm kadar segera!)

p/s: jojo jgn risau, NURUL HAZWANI BT OTHMAN masih mampu mengawal dirinya dgn baik! Semua ini adalah untuk menghilangkan rasa stress dan rindu sbb dah lama tak ziarah awak..n one more time, JANGAN RISAU!

Selasa, 6 Oktober 2009


Hai, jojo! Today i have a really great day. i having fun and enjoy myself! (padahal lg berapa minggu je nak final exam !..argh!)

Today I have a trip go to Petrosains@KLCC with my class and 4p1..we took so many picture (thanks to SITI! and of course, nissa conquer most the picture..aha). we tried so many games(than read the fact given..well) :)..dah lama tak pergi sejak kali terakhir aku pergi nan fanily, maybe tin\me darjah 4++..Nad were very excited because she never been there before..I,siti and nissa exit the petrosains at almost 12.30 although the teachers said we must exit from petrosains at least 12 o'clock (but its still 12, right?)..meanwhile nad wait for us at kinokuniya since 11 something (dekat 3 kali dia call tanya kat mana). Then, we have our lunch at burger king (yum,yum..) and move on to chamelon (sory if i'm wrong..please correct me!) and siti get herself an oversized ring (lawa jugak,eh..)

Finally, we arrived at school at 2.15 (jgn caye sgt!). AND, ALHAMDULILLAH...tuition for today has been cancelled! hooray..! i am so sleepy at that time, but still wondering why 'cikgu malek' cancelled the tuition..(hurm...nape yek?)

gambar most ada kat siti..gua cakap lu, camera dia mmg gempak..i would like to have one but thinking about the cost, err..i think it will take time...a long long time..MAHAL DOH! tapi kualiti baek, gua takda kesah! ish..its feel like a profesional photographer la pulak!

Kepada ITIS;

thank you very much sbb kau kasi aku gunakan kamera kau. Dah lama aku teringin nak guna kamera tu..dpt la aku rasa mcm pro skit! dah mula fallen in love in photography! thanks ek..i really appreciate that, even though i think it maybe a small thing to you.. :0

p/s; gambar, nanti2 lah i upload...nnt aku amik from siti..

Ahad, 4 Oktober 2009


hAI, JOJO! u know what, i have so many things that i want to write on this blog...
But suddenly, "penyakit malas" mula menyerang...

Bye, jojo!


Rabu, 30 September 2009


My sister ask me to make her a bookmark for her friend's birthday which is around the corner. Then i make a blue bookmark with her own paper's choice..

So, what do you think, jojo? Is it nice or...? I am very satisfied with it..Yeah!
Sorry for the picture. Its blurry..I dont know why..
At the middle, its written 'friends 4ever'..she want it

Lepas gian ni..dah la lama tak buat craft with my lovely papers.. :D


Ni la kasut yang membuatkan kaki aku sakit selama beberapa hari...this is all because making wrong decision...

Berjaya juga hasrat aku nak upload gambar ni..tinggi tak?
Are you satisfied, my friend?..

Isnin, 28 September 2009


Jojo, what do you think about my new page? i love it! it so nice! I think i want to change my layout every week..yeah!

There is so many colourful-flowery-gurly-retro-abstract-kind of me layout....!

Terbeliak mata aku tegok layout2 yang macam2 rupa!

Ahad, 27 September 2009


Hari jumaat aritu, aku pergi beraya kat rumah2 dak g-queen kat taman saga dengan tin2.
Before that I asked her what type of shoes she going to wear and she said that she just want to wear a flat shoes coz takut melecet katanya. So aku pun rasa macam serba salah la nak pakai heels ke tak coz jauh tu jalan! tapi si tin2 ni kte pakaila, nanti membazir la pulak sebab dah beli kan..

p/s; gambar ni lebih kurang r bentuk dia. tapi tali dia warna kelabu. Lebih kurang la! Tak da la sama sangat..

So, i decided to wear that shoes. Puh1 Nasib baik la pergi, mak dia hantar..selamat lagila kaki aku...
Tapi yang paling tak best yer, time nak balik tu...ingat nak guna jalan jauh, tapi bila fikir2 balik, kesian la pulak kat dorang semata-mata sebab aku..
So, i use a stairs that are SUPPOSED to be laluan air hujan tu...tangga tu dah la tinggi2 (walaupun takde la tinggi sangat, tapi jenuh la jugak!) Nasib baik tak terpelecok. terpeleod je sikit...

Esoknya..ambik kau! kaki kanan aku punyalah sakit! Satu kaki tu sakit! Rsa taubat la pulak...tapi ni kan first time..tahan la...sapa suruh gatal pergi beli heels tu! Jauh berjalan....makin sakit kaki aku!


Hai, jojo! Dah lama aku tak masukkan entry baru...malas rasanya...
da lapan hari kita beraya..
Many kind of food has been pushed in my 'little' stomach. Yeah,right!
hahaha...masuk angin dalam perut!

So many thing that I have to do. dengan folio chemistry yer, dengan dah nak final year exam yer, and many many more homework (especially MATH!) to do.

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Dah Dapat Da...!!

Yes, akhirnya kasut high-heels berjaya jgk ku miliki...!!!

Wani texted me about a few hours ago. she said that she just brought a new shoes. and it is a high heels and she freaking excited cos maybe she never had a heels on that height I think.
Wani, I encourage you to practice cat-walk first. I say so cos I just do not want you to suffer much embarrassment in your youth. Bhaha ((; - copy from nissa's blog.

Hampeh punya nissa..aku tak nampak apa2 keperluan yg perlu ko bgtau sume orang yg aku msg ko psl keterujaan ak..hish, malu pulak...wahahahah....
but i dont blame u, my friend...ni my first time kot beli high-heels..
tinggi dia panjang jari hantu aku, warna kelabu, klo aku pki sama tinggi ngan abah, shorter than my mom..then, imagine yourself...
nissa, aku bukan setakat practise je tau, almost whole day I wear that shoes u know...jgn gelak tau..excited punye pasal..

sekarang alunan takbir da mula bergema (skema sIOT! SEKALI-SEKALA...) The most beautiful melody ever...sayu ye..

Aku balik kampong esok petang..so,jojo, aku terpaksa tinggalkan ko selama beberapa hari la gamak ye, yea...
Until then, bye n HAPPY RAYA, MAAF LUAR DAN DALAM YE (sama je maksud ye dgn 'zahir dan batin'..)

Khamis, 17 September 2009


Today is Friday. Only 1 more day before we celebrate the biggest day in Islam, HARI RAYA..
For this year raya, I celebrate it in just average celebration. At least I've new clothes than others. JOJO, you know what,bila da nk abih RAMADAN ni, rasa sayu la pulak..bulan yang penuh rahmat dah nk pergi..and we have to wait a YEAR to be in the full of blessing month. i wish umur kita semua dipanjangkan utk terus diberi peluang untuk beribadah di bulan yg sangat barakah ni.

JOJO,Be grateful in what you have. For those who can get whatever they want, its a bonus for him/her. But fur those who can't,don't be upset or frustrated because of it. Maybe it just not your rezeki, remember to say 'ALHAMDULILLAH'.
JOJO,ni mcm saja nk sejukkan hati je kan. Mmg pun...hehe

Anyway,for those who now me,minta maaf banyak2, zahir dan batin and to all muslims

assorted of kuih raya
(nak buat list la kuih apa yg aku nak makan ni..!!)

nasi impit ngan kuah kacang
(nasi impit ngan lontong..baik punya!!)

ketupat (tradisi ni tau)

p/s: Perut, sabarnya..lagi sehari je lagi..lps ni aku sumbat mcm2 jenis makanan kat ko ye...sabar2!


Hai,jojo...ni nak habaq skit,

Recently, I've found CraftZoneMalaysia, i feel like i want to cry because i have found what i'm looking for..
oh, u dont know how grateful i am..
There is so much art item being sold online..
Here is a 2 things that i'm soo crazy about..


For those who dont know what felt is, efelt is a type of fabric that we can make many craft from it such as hair clips,sunglasses case, a keychain and many things beyond our imagination. i think i MUST buy this fabric because i have something in my mind. oh,i've to wait after raye cz poket kosong r...jeles btol tgk hasil kerja tangan dorg guna benda alah ni..nak buat jgk!!


isn't those button cute? it is so adorable..i'm totally in love with it..I get this pics from buttonplanetent.blogspot.com
they sell many beautiful button..

I have many things in mind that i want to do with those things. But then,setakat ni tak kesampaian lg..bila paket da londeh, boleh la kot..but before that i have bertapa ngan siti for online transaction..silap langkah, susah woo...

p/s: EXCITED doh....!!!


Ni la dia pelakon drama Taiwan yg aku minat tu,JOJO..
citer dia memang BEST giler!!
Its all about love,friendship,romance,trust,funny,sweet and how you should appreciate your life now..

Hero no. 1 dia..MIKE HE (hensem ye...terbuai-buai sekejap)

Ni pulak heroin dia..RAINIE YANG (cute...bile pulak la heroin dia nk tukar jd NURUL HAZWANI? dalam mimpi pn takpe..hush, desperate ni)

Ni hero no. 2..nama dia KINGONE WANG (mac.....ho siot)

Dorg ni ialah pelakon utama dlm citer WHY WHY LOVE tu..klo nk cter psl drama ni payah r, sbb lg best klo jojo tgk citer dia..mmg tak rugi ar...
I wish i could be in the drama...haaaa...mmg aku taknak stopkan cter ni..biar sampai berjuta2 episod..I wish la...

p/s; Payah nye la nak letak gambar tu...penuh onak dan duri, ni la payahnya klo dah buta IT..anyway, nisa, aku da berjaya!..i made it!

Selasa, 15 September 2009


Jojo,u know what,its have been 2 week in a row I killed an ANIMAL..!!
Bapak best...!! muahahahahah....!! (gelak kejam!)

Eih,otak tu jangan nak pkr bnde yg bukan2 ek! Thanks to biology class,I had become an instant DOCTOR...FYI,aku buat atas nama 'BELAJAR',ok!! Nak buat macam mana klo tikus tu bakal dijemput illahi kat tangan bakal2 doktor dr kelas 4sc1 (yea?? im not sure about that)

Nad - dah kurang rasa belas
Nisa - teringat arnab kat umah (dia cuma tolong alihkan bulu2 tikus yg cuba masuk hidung orang je..tah pape tah!!
Siti - "ala cian yer dia"!
Rizal - kejap tunduk, kejap gi meja org lain, kejap komen org punye kerja, kejap pegang bibir (psikologi katanye! Dah cuak tu ckp je la kan!!)
Jonas - "I want to cut its tail","can i cut its leg?" (manusia ni mmg aku takleh nak paham, ada ke patut dia gi bau yer isi perut tikus tu...ish2,curious tinggi sgt pn susah)

K,la jojo..sampe cni je la dlu ek..da mlm ni..GUDNIGHT!

p/s; when can i get an oppournity to operate a human? Do u want to be my guest? hehe...

Rabu, 9 September 2009


You must be wondering who JOJO is?.actually JOJO ialah sesiapa sahaja yg membaca blog ini. Sebenarnya, ni adalah for create an illusion that i write a new entry for someone because I don't feel right to write for EVERYBODY. At least,I feel like i'm writing to someone la.
Klo tak paham tak pela. Nnt korg paham jgk.

Dah lame tak masuk entri baru. JOJO nak tau tak, kelmarin i have cut a frog. a medium size frog. That is the time when i am being grateful to be in biology class. Before this,I'm NOT!. It is a good experience. Best oo belah katak. nak tau tak procedures dia? meh sini Dr. Wanie nk habaq.

Mula-mula kita baringkan dia (slowly OK!) katak tu tgh pengsan sbb ktorg letak chlorofom utk tak nak bg dia bangun.

Then, kita pin kaki dan tangan dian (cian gler)
Pastu kita gunting tengah2 badan dia dgn KEJAM sekali....wuahahaha! aih, I'm not that cruel,ok! Kita kena ada IHSAN..tau?!

Rasa malas la pulak nak ckp berjela-jela. kesimpulannya,abih organ dalaman katak tu kitorg keluarkan. Ckpla organ ape yg ktorg tak kuarkan. Haha,syok abih!!

p/s: I do this in the name of study,okeyy!!

Isnin, 31 Ogos 2009

Esok da nak sekolah..rasa cam kejap je..lepas ni da masuk bulan 9...

today,we missed the sahur. ibu woke up at 6.00 am..me? huh,if the clock does not past 10.00 am,i will not wake up..opah kata,anak dara tak elok bangun bila matahari dah tegak atas kepala..bla..bla..bla..
Biasalah,org veteren ni macam-macam pantang larang ye..

semalam ngan arini sibuk buat kuih..nak jual..
nnt la aku masukkan gmbr..nk tunjuk juga kuih yang eden buat..hehe..

Ahad, 30 Ogos 2009

Waaahh....i can't believe it!

hello,bloggers! let I introduce u to ur new frenz......


finally,terhasil la jgk blog ni..cam tak caye je...ni sume ats paksaan dan ugutan drpd seorg blogger...

to that blogger,yeah..finally i did want u want..i'm so cool,right? Oh,N*#$,just admit it.

k la,need to go...my sister has open her big-loudy mouth..she want to use the computer.

Bye,see u soon..