Khamis, 29 Oktober 2009


Assalamualaikum,JOJO...! dah lama kawe tak masuk entry baru kan... FYI, aku tengah bergelut dan bertempur dengan "PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN 2009 TINGKATAN 4"...
dashyat tuh....kalau tak ada 'creative thinking' yang tinggi untuk fikirkan jawapan disaat kita menemui jalan kegelapan (dlm erti kata lain,BLURR) n ketajaman akal yang kena ingat berpoloh-poloh jenis formula/ayat/and all the science things(bio,chem,phy)..hurm,mampuih mu,TAU!

hari ni hari otak aku dah diberi 'emergency leave' disebabkan input yang melebihi berat yang dibenarkan...Alhamdullillah,2 subjek sudah selamat.. DUA,baru! Wahahah.....sedih ye....JOJO, tolong doakan aku diberikan kesihatan yang baik untuk menepuh 'peperangan' ni,daya ingatan yang sangat baik sebab memory box aku dan nak expired, so sebelum dia expired, kena tukar yang baru la,weh!

Persediaan untuk berperang;
  • pencil box
  • buku nota chemistry, physics, biology
  • nota MALEK
  • step add. math
  • buku poem and sedara mara die....
  • kelakatu @ kalkulator
  • EST
  • pj ngan sivik pun nak jugak?! penyibok...!
  • kekuatan emosi dan rohani
  • kemahiran meng'hentam' jawapan..yeah..i like it!
Sekian sahaja tip-tip untuk hari ini..sekarang sudah tiba masanye untuk otak aku melelapkan dirinya (yg membawa maksud 'AKU') n selama 2 MINGGU aku pergi bertempur,jojo, jgn rindu aku taw! bye....
wahahahahhahahaahahah.....sadis,sadis........................!!!!!(tekanan perasaan yg perlu dipulihkan dlm kadar segera!)

p/s: jojo jgn risau, NURUL HAZWANI BT OTHMAN masih mampu mengawal dirinya dgn baik! Semua ini adalah untuk menghilangkan rasa stress dan rindu sbb dah lama tak ziarah awak..n one more time, JANGAN RISAU!

Selasa, 6 Oktober 2009


Hai, jojo! Today i have a really great day. i having fun and enjoy myself! (padahal lg berapa minggu je nak final exam !..argh!)

Today I have a trip go to Petrosains@KLCC with my class and 4p1..we took so many picture (thanks to SITI! and of course, nissa conquer most the picture..aha). we tried so many games(than read the fact given..well) :)..dah lama tak pergi sejak kali terakhir aku pergi nan fanily, maybe tin\me darjah 4++..Nad were very excited because she never been there before..I,siti and nissa exit the petrosains at almost 12.30 although the teachers said we must exit from petrosains at least 12 o'clock (but its still 12, right?)..meanwhile nad wait for us at kinokuniya since 11 something (dekat 3 kali dia call tanya kat mana). Then, we have our lunch at burger king (yum,yum..) and move on to chamelon (sory if i'm wrong..please correct me!) and siti get herself an oversized ring (lawa jugak,eh..)

Finally, we arrived at school at 2.15 (jgn caye sgt!). AND, ALHAMDULILLAH...tuition for today has been cancelled! hooray..! i am so sleepy at that time, but still wondering why 'cikgu malek' cancelled the tuition..(hurm...nape yek?)

gambar most ada kat siti..gua cakap lu, camera dia mmg gempak..i would like to have one but thinking about the cost, err..i think it will take time...a long long time..MAHAL DOH! tapi kualiti baek, gua takda kesah! ish..its feel like a profesional photographer la pulak!

Kepada ITIS;

thank you very much sbb kau kasi aku gunakan kamera kau. Dah lama aku teringin nak guna kamera tu..dpt la aku rasa mcm pro skit! dah mula fallen in love in photography! thanks ek..i really appreciate that, even though i think it maybe a small thing to you.. :0

p/s; gambar, nanti2 lah i upload...nnt aku amik from siti..

Ahad, 4 Oktober 2009


hAI, JOJO! u know what, i have so many things that i want to write on this blog...
But suddenly, "penyakit malas" mula menyerang...

Bye, jojo!
