Khamis, 17 September 2009


Today is Friday. Only 1 more day before we celebrate the biggest day in Islam, HARI RAYA..
For this year raya, I celebrate it in just average celebration. At least I've new clothes than others. JOJO, you know what,bila da nk abih RAMADAN ni, rasa sayu la pulak..bulan yang penuh rahmat dah nk pergi..and we have to wait a YEAR to be in the full of blessing month. i wish umur kita semua dipanjangkan utk terus diberi peluang untuk beribadah di bulan yg sangat barakah ni.

JOJO,Be grateful in what you have. For those who can get whatever they want, its a bonus for him/her. But fur those who can't,don't be upset or frustrated because of it. Maybe it just not your rezeki, remember to say 'ALHAMDULILLAH'.
JOJO,ni mcm saja nk sejukkan hati je kan. Mmg pun...hehe

Anyway,for those who now me,minta maaf banyak2, zahir dan batin and to all muslims

assorted of kuih raya
(nak buat list la kuih apa yg aku nak makan ni..!!)

nasi impit ngan kuah kacang
(nasi impit ngan lontong..baik punya!!)

ketupat (tradisi ni tau)

p/s: Perut, sabarnya..lagi sehari je lagi..lps ni aku sumbat mcm2 jenis makanan kat ko ye...sabar2!

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