Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Dah Dapat Da...!!

Yes, akhirnya kasut high-heels berjaya jgk ku miliki...!!!

Wani texted me about a few hours ago. she said that she just brought a new shoes. and it is a high heels and she freaking excited cos maybe she never had a heels on that height I think.
Wani, I encourage you to practice cat-walk first. I say so cos I just do not want you to suffer much embarrassment in your youth. Bhaha ((; - copy from nissa's blog.

Hampeh punya nissa..aku tak nampak apa2 keperluan yg perlu ko bgtau sume orang yg aku msg ko psl keterujaan ak..hish, malu pulak...wahahahah....
but i dont blame u, my my first time kot beli high-heels..
tinggi dia panjang jari hantu aku, warna kelabu, klo aku pki sama tinggi ngan abah, shorter than my mom..then, imagine yourself...
nissa, aku bukan setakat practise je tau, almost whole day I wear that shoes u know...jgn gelak tau..excited punye pasal..

sekarang alunan takbir da mula bergema (skema sIOT! SEKALI-SEKALA...) The most beautiful melody ever...sayu ye..

Aku balik kampong esok,jojo, aku terpaksa tinggalkan ko selama beberapa hari la gamak ye, yea...
Until then, bye n HAPPY RAYA, MAAF LUAR DAN DALAM YE (sama je maksud ye dgn 'zahir dan batin'..)

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